Frequently Asked Questions
What is the ghysa?
The GHYSA is a non-profit organization that provides recreational and competitive soccer to the residents of the Greater Hazleton Area. Age divisions are U-6 (begining at age 4 if birthday falls into time frame listed on Player Registration Matrix see registration page) through U-19. Presently our area includes the following locations: Carbon County, Luzerne County and Schuylkill County. Fields are located in the following areas: Hazleton Community Park Complex and in the Conyngham Valley at Whispering Willows Park and Valley Elementry School.
what is the ghysa's philosophy?
The purpose of the Greater Hazleton Youth Soccer Association is to teach and promote soccer in the Greater Hazleton Area. Our objectives are to contribute to the positive physical, mental and social development of all participating youths through constructive suggestion, encouragement and praise. This will be fulfilled through adult / parent participation as coaches, referees and supportive fans. We are committed to teaching attitudes of fair play, sportsmanship and positive social interaction. Coaches must teach the children sportsmanship, self-reliance, teamwork and soccer skills while providing a positive role model. Our consistently positive attitude will motivate our players to excel. This league does not track wins and losses, so coaches, players and parents should not stress winning. Your players win by learning and growing from this experience. The efforts each player present throughout the season and the demonstration of having improved their skills makes all the players, coaches and parents winners. It is important that we make sure the children are having fun while learning soccer skills. By keeping our purpose and objectives in mind we will have another successful season.
how do i register?
You can register, and view information about registering, by clicking on the Register section in the navigation menu.
how do i know about upcoming events?
You can see upcoming events by going to the News section in the navigation menu.
How can i contact someone from the ghysa?
You can do this by going to the Contact Us section by clicking on it in the navigation menu.